Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The boy who always forgets


There was once a little boy named Epika. He lived in a very cold town named Loopitown. He goes to school everyday with his brother and sister. Because the weather was always very cold, he had to dress up in a lot of clothes to keep him warm.

However, there was something wrong. Epika always forgot something at school everyday.

One day he would forget his mittens, the next day it would be his socks, and the next day again his coat. There was even a day he forgot his book bag at school! But funny enough, he never forgot to eat his lunch.

Whenever his mother or father asked him why he always forgets something everyday, he says “Nothing, I always just forget.” with a worried look on his face.


His sister came up with a plan to help him remember things. She stuck a big note on his shirt which read “do not forget anything today” but that did not help. In fact, on that day, he forgot all his books at school and then he couldn’t do his homework.


One day, he went to school as usual, and when he was supposed to be back home from school he was nowhere to be seen. His sister and brother were worried and kept hoping he would show up. Their parents were not yet home from work and so they waited and waited and waited…… but still there was no sign of him. Where could he be? they wondered.

Finally, there was a knock on the door and behold it was a policeman with Epika right behind him!

Epika had forgotten to join the school bus home after school!



The girl who always bit her fingernails


There was once a girl named Somen. She lived in the beautiful city of Madicu with her father, mother and grandparents. She was a happy girl who enjoyed playing outside and going on long walks with her grandmother. She also enjoyed going to school everyday and helping her parents out with different activities at home.

Somen had a beautiful life but she had a worrisome habit. She was always biting off her fingernails whenever she was not doing anything. She would sit in a corner of the house quietly and chew on her fingernails. Anytime no one could see her, they would usually search and find her quietly biting on her fingernails. She chewed her fingernails so much that she would give herself wounds.

Her parents always tried to keep her occupied so she would not remember to chew on her nails but as soon as she was through with any task she was asked to do, Somen would go and sit quietly and continue as usual, chewing on her nails.

One bright beautiful morning, she woke up and suddenly let out a very loud scream. Everyone rushed to her room and behold all her fingers had disappeared and now she had no more nails to chew on!

The boy who would not play outside


In the beautiful town of Peddie lived a boy named Demea. Demea lived with his parents and two sisters. They went to school together everyday and after school they worked on their homework after which they were free to do anything they liked.

While his sisters enjoyed playing outside a lot, Demea always preferred to stay indoors playing video games. No matter how much his sisters pleaded with him to come outside, he would refuse and rather stay indoors playing his video games. He feared all the insects flying outside. He believed he would get stung by one. He was also scared of their neighbour’s dog who always ran around in excitement whenever the other children played outside.

One day while Demea was engrossed in his play indoors as usual, he felt something crawl up his leg, but he was too distracted to check what it was. A few minutes later he felt it again and he took a quick look at his feet and screamed loudly. There was a long line of ants marching up his leg and crawling straight into his body!

The children who loved to chew gum


 Once in a town called Vimpyland lived two children named Finledd and Maroop. They were good children, they went to school, and did all their homework. But there was a problem with those two. Every day they would ask their mother for a piece of gum and since they were good children, their mother would give them two pieces at a time.

One day while they were chewing gum (as usual) they both lost a tooth each. When this happened, they told their mother about it, and she said she would give them a dollar for every tooth they lost when it grows back.

The next day while they were on their swings playing, Finledd felt one of his fallen teeth growing back, he was excited at first but when he looked in the mirror, he found out that it was not a real tooth, it was a tooth made from gum! The same thing also happened to Maroop. They were so scared at first but then they realized that instead of having to ask their mother for gum that they could just chew on their teeth since they were now made of gum.

The boy who always forgets

  There was once a little boy named Epika. He lived in a very cold town named Loopitown. He goes to school everyday with his brother and sis...